Kunye Massage and External Therapies is a 3 Level Program

What is it about?

  • What Kunye Massage is?

    Kunye is the ancient form of massage therapy taught in Traditional Tibetan Medicine. It is an effective, dynamic healing art for alleviating pathologies of the nervous system and mental disturbances. The effect is one of deep relaxation allowing the system to restore and rebalance in order to maintain good health and a state of well-being.

  • What are you going to learn?

    You'll learn the main theories of Tibetan Medicine and the full method of Tibetan Kunye Massage and Tibetan External Therapies which include: cupping, hot stones, compresses, medicinal oils, mild moxibustion, medicinal baths and other treatments.

  • What is the First Level about?

    -You'll learn the basic theory of Tibetan Medicine: the Five Elements; the causes of diseases; the purpose of Kunye massage (its benefits, effects, contraindications); the location of the points of Lung, Tripa, Badkan (Theory of the three humors according Tibetan Medicine). -You'll also learn how to practice the massage: the oil application; the basic massage techniques; how to massage various parts of the body: back, head, neck, arms, legs, neck, head points and the full Kunye practice.

Our Team

Dr. Phuntsog Wangmo

International Director, Shang Shung School of Tibetan Medicine

International Director, World-Renowned Tibetan Scholar received her advanced degree from the Lhasa University School of Traditional Medicine in 1988 . . From 1997-2000, she has been the A.S.I.A. project coordinator in Tibet for the development of Gamthog Hospital In 2007 she co-founded the American Tibetan Medical Association (ATMA), a national organization representing the Tibetan medical profession within the United States. In 2012 Dr. Phuntsog Wagmo was appointed the International Director of the School of Tibetan Medicine She is currently in residence at the Shang Shung Institute of America, the international seat of the School of Tibetan Medicine, She is the International Director of the Institute’s national and international programs in the U.S.A., Russia, and Europe.  

Irina Pankevich

Junior Teacher & Tibetan Doctor

Irina se recibió como médica occidental y después de comenzar su carrera como reumatóloga, decidió continuar su educación y se concentró en la Medicina Tibetana. Se graduó en la Escuela Shang Shung de Medicina Tibetana en Rusia bajo la orientación de Menpa Phuntsog Wangmo. Completó una pasantía en el Hospital Tibetano en Xining (Qinghai).


Junior Teacher & Tibetan Doctor

Medegma was born in Buryatia, the famous Buddhist region of Russia. She entered the School as soon as Professor Namkhai Norbu announced its opening in Russia. From 2013 to 2018 Medegma studied at Shang Shung Institute School of Tibetan Medicine under the guidance of Dr. Phungtsog Wangmo. Her main focus is Tibetan Kunye massage.


5 days in presence + resources online

To fulfill this course students need to attend in presence for a 5 days full training on Tenerife Island. Our daily schedule is from 10 am to 1 pm and from 3 pm to 5 pm every day. Students will also have complementary videos and resources through our educational platform. This content will be available upon registration. Participants who complete the 3 Levels Program will be certified as "Tibetan Kunye Massage and External Therapies Practitioners".

Prices & Discounts

If you are based in Latin America or a student at our school and require a discount, you can request a discount of up to 50% off the regular price. To do so, please contact us at [email protected].

Starts Soon!

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