Webinar With Mateo Schmookler, Irina Pankevich, and Medegma Budaeva

Spanish translation will be available by request. Use the contact form at the end of the page. A minimum quantity is 5 Spanish-speaking participants./ La traducción al español estará disponible a pedido. Utilice el formulario de contacto al final de la página. La cantidad mínima es de 5 participantes de habla hispana.
In this workshop we will explore the effects the seasons have on our health and particularly how to align with spring for optimal wellness and weight loss. We will review the fundamentals of the elemental theory in Tibetan Medicine, all the factors that have an impact on our current health condition, and learn practical tools for how to modify our diet and lifestyle in spring to bring about greater wellness according to our own unique condition.
We will review the fundamentals of the elemental theory in Tibetan Medicine, all the factors that have an impact on our current health condition, and learn practical tools for how to modify our diet and lifestyle in spring to bring about greater wellness according to our own unique condition.
Special emphasis will be given on how to use the springtime to lose any unwanted weight and also on Tibetan Medicine advice on nutrition and lifestyle for maintaining a healthy metabolism and sustained weight loss. Current science on the modern diet and lifestyle trends and approaches will also be covered.
We will review the fundamentals of the elemental theory in Tibetan Medicine, all the factors that have an impact on our current health condition, and learn practical tools for how to modify our diet and lifestyle in spring to bring about greater wellness according to our own unique condition.

Course curriculum

    1. Information for participants

    2. Recordings of day 1 ENGLISH

    3. Recordings of day 2 ENGLISH

    4. Grabaciones del día 1 ESPAÑOL

    5. Grabaciones del día 2 ESPAÑOL

About this course

  • €58,00
  • 5 lessons
  • 11.5 hours of video content

During Day 1 We Will Explore:

  • Theory of 5 elements

  • The various factors that affect our health

  • The elemental cycles of the six seasons

  • The Four Tantras' recommendations for nutrition and lifestyle in spring

  • Introduction to digestion and metabolism

  • Practical advice on eating habits and lifestyle for metabolic health and sustained weight loss

  • The unique factors of the modern diet and lifestyle

  • Bringing the modern and ancient medical knowledge of nutrition and lifestyle health together

During Day 2 We Will Go Through

  • A brief introduction to tastes and their natures

  • Spring tonics and tea recipes for metabolic health

  • Spices and their health effects

  • Tasting different spices and herbs for identifying their’ effect

  • Q^A session

Teacher, Practitioner of Tibetan Medicine Mateo Schmookler

Mateo guides people through mind-body transformation to help you get back to thriving vitality. With his guidance, we come together to support each other in sustainable weight loss, personalized constitutional nutrition & lifestyle plans, and physical fitness that transforms the mind.


Teacher, Practitioner of Tibetan Medicine Irina Pankevich

Irina attained Western medical education. After starting her carrier as a rheumatologist, she decided to continue her education and concentrated on Tibetan Medicine. She graduated from the Shang Shung School of Tibetan Medicine in Russia under the guidance of Professor Phuntsog Wangmo. She completed an internship at the Tibetan Hospital in Xining (Qinghai).

Teacher, Practitioner of Tibetan Medicine Medegma Budaeva

Medegma was born in Buryatia, the Buddhist region of Russia. She entered the School as soon as Professor Namkhai Norbu announced its opening in Russia. From 2013 to 2018 Medegma studied at Shang Shung Institute School of Tibetan Medicine under the guidance of Professor Phungtsog Wangmo. Her main focus is Tibetan Kunye massage.

What Is Tibetan Medicine?

Traditional Tibetan Medicine is an ancient system of healing that represents the base and the context that informed Yantra Yoga. This is why a general overview of the principles of Tibetan Medicine will make it easier to better understand why this ancient Yoga system is more than a temporary healing practice since it can also lead to long term health.

Tibetan Medicine is based on the theory of the Five Elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space. The first four elements are like the material basis and the Space element is like empty energy providing room for the other elements to develop. According to Tibetan medicine this is how our body is composed. To maintain a healthy body these five elements need to work together.

The Wind element and its various functions is particularly important for understanding the physical, energetic and mental benefits of a correct breathing practice since it represents the moving energy of our body deeply connected to the breath, nervous system and to our mental activity. In traditional Tibetan medicine, Yantra Yoga has been used as an effective method to heal and prevent the disturbances of the Wind element.

Traditional Tibetan medicine, with its precious medical knowledge of almost 4,000 years of history, offers a clear understanding of how this ancient Tibetan Yoga of breath, rhythm and movement works in the healing context as an effective tool to increase the general level of well-being and to prevent from chronic health conditions that affect our body, our emotions and our mind. 


We recommend you to get this ingredients for tasting and further use:

  • ginger

  • fenugreek

  • long pepper (pipiling)

  • black pepper

  • banana

  • arugula

  • nutmeg

  • turmeric

  • clove

  • saffron


Live 2 days workshop+ 2 months access to recording

Pricing options

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We will get back to you within 48 hours.