• 5 hours course

  • Video + written material

Join our first-ever online workshop on Self-Healing

  • What is Tibetan Self-Massage about?

    Kunye is the ancient form of massage therapy that is a vital part of Traditional Tibetan Medicine. At the Shang Shung School of Tibetan Medicine, we’ve been teaching Massage Therapy & Kunye External Therapies through long-term programs for over 15 years. However, IT IS THE FIRST TIME WE ARE OFFERING A WORKSHOP ON SELF-MASSAGE for those who want to learn how to help themselves with this precious tool. Dr. Phuntsog Wangmo has created this workshop based on her extensive training and practice of Traditional Tibetan Medicine, 30 years of studying, working, and collecting information to present it in a simple understandable way.

You'll learn self-massage & acupressure points

to help yourself with:

  • headaches

  • insomnia

  • indigestion

  • joint health

  • pain relief

  • relaxation

  • and more


If you are a Certified Yoga Instructor, a Shang Shung Tibetan Medicine Student or you live in Latin America please email us and get an special 25% DISCOUNT

Why is this workshop is useful for Yoga instructors and practitioners?

It is very simple, these tecniques will help you improve your relaxation and understand better how to deal with tensions, ailments and other circumstances that might appear in your own practice.

About our instructor

Dr Phuntsog Wangmo

Dr Phuntsog Wangmo International Director, Shang Shung School of Tibetan Medicine Khewang (Tibetan for Honored Scholar) Phuntsog Wangmo received her advanced degree from the Lhasa University School of Traditional Medicine in 1988 after completing her five-year training program and two-year residency. During that time she studied with the Khenpos Troru Tsenam and Gyaltsen, two of Tibet’s foremost Tibetan Medicine doctors. Dr. Phuntsog Wangmo had the exceptional opportunity of extensive clinical training under Khenpo Troru Tsenam for four years. Thereafter, she dedicated many years of work as a doctor of Tibetan Medicine in Eastern Tibet where she collaborated with and directed the implementation of A.S.I.A. the non-profit organization founded by Professor Namkhai Norbu. After that, she worked on behalf of A.S.I.A. setting up hospitals and training centers in the remote regions of Sichuan Province and Chamdo Prefecture. From 1997-2000, she has been the A.S.I.A. project coordinator in Tibet for the development of Gamthog Hospital in collaboration with expatriate personnel as well as the overall health coordinator and practitioner of traditional Tibetan medicine supervising health activities throughout the surrounding region of Chamdo Prefecture. In 2007 she co-founded the American Tibetan Medical Association (ATMA), a national organization representing the Tibetan medical profession within the United States. Its mission is to preserve, protect, improve, and promote the philosophy, knowledge, science and practice of Tibetan medicine for the benefit of humanity. In 2012 Dr. Phuntsog Wagmo was appointed the International Director of the School of Tibetan Medicine She is currently in residence at the international seat of the School of Tibetan Medicine, where she continues in her leadership as Director and International Director of the Institute’s national and international programs in U.S.A., Russia and Tenerife Spain.