Online Webinar with Tibetan Medicine Doctor Phuntsog Wangmo

    1. Инструкции

    1. День 1

    2. День 2

About this course

  • €35,00
  • 3 lessons
  • 5 hours of video content

LIVE: FEBRUARY 6th & 7th 2022

Schedule: 15.00 to 17.30 (WET, UTC 00.00) Tenerife time

    1. Инструкции

    1. День 1

    2. День 2

About this course

  • €35,00
  • 3 lessons
  • 5 hours of video content

What is it about?

In Tibetan culture, a woman's physical and mental health is considered the key to the strength and well-being of future generations, therefore, a system of methods has been developed in Tibetan medicine aimed at strengthening women's health from childhood to menopause.

Translation is available

The live sessions will be simultaneously translated to Spanish/Español, Russian/русский and Chinese/中文 language (For Russian and Chinese please write us, contact below)

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • What diet and behavior should be followed to maintain a normal menstrual cycle.

  • What preparations and precautions to take when planning the birth of a child.

  • How best to prepare for the birth of a child.

  • How you can influence the desired sex of the child.

  • What should be the diet and lifestyle of a pregnant woman.

Dr. Phuntsog Wangmo will explain the normal development of pregnancy and the possible causes of infertility, with the preparation for childbirth and the features of postpartum care. Next, the diet and lifestyle during adulthood will be addressed and especially during menopause, when multiple physical and emotional problems often arise. The solar energy of a woman warms and nourishes the whole family, making possible the normal functioning of all members of society, therefore, at all stages of a woman's life, taking care of her health is very important.

Enjoy your bonus material - 2 month access to recordings in different languages.

The webinar will be held in English with simultaneous translation into:

  • Spanish Language

  • Russian Language

  • Chinese Language (to be confirmed soon)

Dr. Phuntsog Wangmo

International Director, Shang Shung School of Tibetan Medicine

Dr. Phuntsog Wangmo has more than 30 years of experience teaching and practicing Tibetan Medicine. Proficient in multiple languages, Dr. Wangmo has taught all around the world and has offered keynote presentations at many international conferences and events pertaining to Tibetan medicine and health care. Dr. Wangmo is passionate about educating children and the general public about Tibetan language and cultural studies. She received her advanced degree in Tibetan medicine from Lhasa Tibetan Medicine College (Men-Tsee-Khang) and trained with two of Tibet’s foremost doctors, Khenpos Troru Tsenam and Gyaltsen. Dr. Wangmo had the exceptional opportunity of engaging in extensive clinical training under Khenpo Troru Tsenam for four years. Since 1996 she has dedicated many years to working as a doctor in Eastern Tibet, where she collaborated in and directed the implementation of A.S.I.A (Association for International Solidarity in Asia), a nonprofit organization founded by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu and dedicated to serving the Tibetan people in the sectors of education, health, training, disaster relief, and sustainable economic development. In 2007 she co-founded the American Tibetan Medical Association (ATMA), a national organization representing the Tibetan medical profession within the United States. She is currently in residence at the international seat of the School of Tibetan Medicine, where she continues in her leadership as Director and International Director of the Institute’s national and international programs in the U.S.A., Russia and Tenerife, Spain.

Register now to secure your participation

The places are limited to 100 participants.


Read what our students say about our teachers and programs

Dr. Phuntsog Wangmo and Laura Evangelisti share timeless wisdom that you will not find elsewhere.


I was so fortunate to meet the great Tibetan Master Namkhai Norbu 10 years ago. Everything I know about spirituality, awareness, and the nature of the world I learned from him. Among many precious teachings, He was also giving advice and methods for parents and children, based on traditional Tibetan medicine and Tibetan yoga. This is one of a kind opportunity to learn form the dedicated students of Rinpoche and experts in the fields of Tibetan Yantra Yoga and traditional Tibetan medicine. Dr. Phuntsog Wangmo and Laura Evangelisti share timeless wisdom that you will not find elsewhere. I will definitely be there to learn.

Dr. Wangmo's compassion and strength are always shining brightly.

Adam, Tibetan Medicine Student

I knew the moment I met Dr. Phuntsog Wangmo that I wanted to study Tibetan Medicine with her. Dr. Wangmo's compassion and strength are always shining brightly. I have been her student for many years, doing exciting projects in various countries and places. I feel truly fortunate to have her as a teacher and trusted mentor. She continues to amaze and inspire me with the depth of her knowledge, clarity, and dedication.

Tibetan Medicine

A traditional & complete holistic health system

Traditional Tibetan Medicine is an ancient system of healing that represents the base and the context that informed Yantra Yoga. This is why a general overview of the principles of Tibetan Medicine will make it easier to better understand why this ancient Yoga system is more than a temporary healing practice since it can also lead to long term health.

Tibetan Medicine is based on the theory of the Five Elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space. The first four elements are like the material basis and the Space element is like empty energy providing room for the other elements to develop. According to Tibetan medicine this is how our body is composed. To maintain a healthy body these five elements need to work together.

The Wind element and its various functions is particularly important for understanding the physical, energetic and mental benefits of a correct breathing practice since it represents the moving energy of our body deeply connected to the breath, nervous system and to our mental activity. In traditional Tibetan medicine, Yantra Yoga has been used as an effective method to heal and prevent the disturbances of the Wind element.

Traditional Tibetan medicine, with its precious medical knowledge of almost 4,000 years of history, offers a clear understanding of how this ancient Tibetan Yoga of breath, rhythm and movement works in the healing context as an effective tool to increase the general level of well-being and to prevent from chronic health conditions that affect our body, our emotions and our mind. 

Women's health and the journey to motherhood according to Tibetan Medicine with Dr. Phuntsog Wangmo

starts in:

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds

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